What's New at Promethean

New Leadership

Promethean has named longtime ensemble member Jared Dennis as Artistic Director. Following a two-year stretch during which PTE experimented with a committee organization model, this initiative is expected to position the company to resume its place in the Chicago...

Reading Around a Table

Private readings with snacks, laughter and camaraderie: the Promethean ensemble and friends are exploring new scripts, old script, good scripts and - we’re not afraid to admit it - even a few of our favorite fun-but-flawed scripts. Is this how we’ll choose our next...

Keeping busy!

Check out some of your favorite Promethean ensemble members’ work and join us in supporting the Chicago theatre community at large. C'mon, get out and see a play this weekend! The Imposters Theatre Co. presents The Last Living Gun featuring Promethean ensemble member...

Promethean’s Newest Ensemble Members!

Join us in welcoming these artists to the PTE family. Click their names to learn more about them: Destin Lorde Teamer Joshua Servantez Jack Morsovillo Christina Renee Jones Jessica Goforth Andres Coronado Michael Brigance Simmery Branch Gunner Bradley We’re so proud....

We’re thankful for YOU…

...and we're so glad you – our audience members, supporters, and fellow artists – continue to share your time and treasure with us! As you look around for Giving Tuesday opportunities, we hope you’ll consider supporting the worthwhile organizations that Promethean...

Chicago Votes: making democracy fun

Here at Promethean we select a service organization to support and promote with each production, bridging ideas within the play to real-world efforts to address challenges within our communities. During Richard III we are honored to support Chicago Votes – and we...

Slava Ukraini

“Have you ever wondered what you’d take with you if you thought you might never come home again?” Promethean has been following the journey of Natal’ya Vorozhbit as best we can. We continue to wish her and the people of Ukraine the very best. Click here for some more...

In Solidarity with Ukraine

Eric Kohn reported in IndieWire that, as of February 25, 2022, playwright Natal’ya Vorozhbit was in a makeshift bomb shelter on the outskirts of Kyiv. Using the direct language we admired in her play, Take the Rubbish Out, Sasha, she asks for support: You can go to...

We’re out and about!

Check out some of your favorite ensemble members' work and join us in supporting the Chicago theatre community at large. You're going out to the theatre again, right?  Well if so, please come up to us after the performance and say hello. We've missed you. Lifeboat...

Martinis with PTE

Live and In-Person! Mark your calendars to hang with your Promethean pals at Marty’s Martini Bar on Sunday, March 13, from 2-5 PM. The afternoon’s sales will benefit the artists who create our work, subsidize discounted tickets for students and seniors, as well as...