by Promethean | Jun 2, 2022 | On Stage, PTE in the Community
Here at Promethean we select a service organization to support and promote with each production, bridging ideas within the play to real-world efforts to address challenges within our communities. During Richard III we are honored to support Chicago Votes – and we...
by Promethean | Feb 20, 2022 | PTE in the Community, What's the Buzz
Check out some of your favorite ensemble members’ work and join us in supporting the Chicago theatre community at large. You’re going out to the theatre again, right? Well if so, please come up to us after the performance and say hello. We’ve missed...
by Promethean | Jul 2, 2021 | Announcements, PTE in the Community, What's the Buzz
SKETCHTOPIA 2021 | ARTIST DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Open to everyone, with or without a disability We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with our friends at Shattered Globe Theatre to co-produce this year’s virtual Sketchtopia, a reading of short plays and...
by Promethean | May 8, 2021 | PTE in the Community, What's the Buzz
Welcome Warmer Weather and Enjoy Some Chicago Trivia With Us Spring is here. The weather’s getting warmer, or at least rainy-er, pollen is on the attack, and dare we dream that Chicago is creeping closer to re-opening?! Are you looking to refresh your...
by Promethean | Oct 23, 2020 | PTE in the Community, What's the Buzz
The Chicago theatre community is working tirelessly to plan for the future and stay connected to you during this time. Here at Promethean, we’d love to have you on our team. Make a donation if you’re able. Apply to join our board of directors so you can...
by Promethean | Oct 22, 2020 | PTE in the Community, What's the Buzz
COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on the theatre industry. Relief for theatres and arts workers is imperative to our survival. Do you love Chicago theatre? Do you want to take action? Sure you do! Now is not the time to be quiet or shy. You’ve got to tell...