

Arcadia Directed by Ted Hoerl Hailed as “the perfect marriage of ideas and high comedy” (The Times), the plot of ARCADIA swings between the early 19th century and the present day to explore the relationship between order and chaos. Delightful, richly drawn characters...
Gross Indecency

Gross Indecency

Gross Indecency Directed by Brian Pastor A remount of Promethean’s acclaimed 2016 production, GROSS INDECENCY: THE THREE TRIALS OF OSCAR WILDE takes a modern look at the life of the 19th century literary figure who was both glorified and shunned during his lifetime,...
Mad Beat Hip & Gone

Mad Beat Hip & Gone

Mad Beat Hip & Gone Directed by Jess Hutchinson This newly re-imagined script by Steven Dietz considers 1950s America, when magnificent poets roamed open highways, accompanied by jukebox jazz. The nation’s youth hit the road, high on full tanks of gas and brimming...