This second weekend of May, Promethean will once again return to The Red Lion Lincoln Square for our annual performance series, an Evening of Shakespeare!
Every year, we return to the Red Lion one weekend to stage a set of scenes from Shakespeare based around a theme. Some titles from previous years include Black Magic, On Love and Seeming, and An Evening of Tudor Propaganda (on the history plays), in which we’ve taken individual scenes from multiple Shakespeare works and stitched them together into one presentation.
This year, we’re turning to the so-called problem plays with Good Scenes from “Bad” Plays, a set of scenes from the shows that show up less in summer stock and high school reading lists. But we’re excited to show off what we love about (yes, even) All’s Well that Ends Well, Henry VIII, Measure for Measure and Troilus and Cressida.
Our director for the evening is ensemble member Jared Dennis, and here is the list of scenes that we’ll present at each of four shows over the weekend. All eight cast members are either ensemble members or artistic associates of Promethean.
All’s Well That Ends Well: Act 4, Scene 2
Meghann Tabor as DIANA
Xavier Lagunas as BERTRAM
Measure For Measure: Act 4, Scene 3
Carrie Campana as ISABEL
Nicole Hand as ANGELO
Troilus And Cressida: Act 1, Scene 1
Tom Murphy as TROILUS
Brendan Hutt as PANDARUS
King Henry VIII: Act 2, Scene 3
Heather Smith as ANNE BOLEYN
Cameron Feagin as OLD LADY
We’ll have performances at both 7pm and 9pm on Saturday, May 11th and at both 5pm and 7pm on Sunday, May 12th. Red Lion Lincoln Square is located at 4749 N Rockwell St in Chicago – feel free to come by before the show to order dinner and drinks for while you watch!